Tutorial: Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems

LRZ aktuell publish at lrz.de
Fr Feb 11 10:40:59 CET 2011

 |    Date:    |Monday, March 7 - Friday, March 11, 2011, 9:00-18:00    |
 |             |LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich.  |
 |  Location:  |                                                        |
 |             |RRZE building, University campus Erlangen, Martensstr.1 |
 |             |(via video conference if there is sufficient interest)  |
 |             |This course, a collaboration of Erlangen Regional       |
 |             |Computing Centre (RRZE) and LRZ, is targeted at students|
 |             |and scientists with interest in programming modern HPC  |
 |             |hardware, specifically the large scale parallel         |
 |             |computing systems available in Juelich, Stuttgart and   |
 |             |Munich.                                                 |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |Each day is comprised of approximately 4 hours of       |
 |             |lectures and 3 hours of hands-on sessions.              |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |Day 1                                                   |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |  * Introduction to High Performance Computing          |
 |             |  * HPC systems at LRZ and in Germany                   |
 |             |  * Technical aspects of software engineering:          |
 |             |    development process, usage of libraries, memory     |
 |             |    management, tools for code documentation,           |
 |             |    development environments                            |
 |             |  * Tools: Using Secure Shell, User interfaces, Source  |
 |             |    code versioning systems and Make                    |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |Day 2                                                   |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |  * Basic parallel programming with MPI and OpenMP      |
 |             |  * Processor Architectures: Register, Cache, Locality, |
 |  Contents:  |    Performance metrics                                 |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |Day 3                                                   |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |  * Principles of code optimization (unrolling,         |
 |             |    blocking, dependencies, C++ issues, bandwidth       |
 |             |    issues, performance projections)                    |
 |             |  * Using performance libraries                         |
 |             |  * Advanced MPI programming                            |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |Day 4                                                   |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |  * Parallel algorithms: data parallelism, domain       |
 |             |    decomposition, task parallelism, master-worker,     |
 |             |    granularity, load balancing, scalability models     |
 |             |  * Advanced OpenMP programming                         |
 |             |  * Parallel Architectures: multi-core, multi-socket,   |
 |             |    ccNUMA, cache coherence and affinity, tools for     |
 |             |    handling memory affinity                            |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |Day 5                                                   |
 |             |                                                        |
 |             |  * Architecture-specific optimization strategies:      |
 |             |    compiler switches, avoiding cache thrashing,        |
 |             |    exploiting SIMD capabilities                        |
 |             |  * MPI exercises                                       |
 |Prerequisites|Good working knowledge of at least one of the standard  |
 |             |HPC languages: Fortran 95, C or C++.                    |
 |  Language:  |English                                                 |
 |  Teachers:  |G. Hager, Jan Treibig (RRZE), R. Bader, M. Mueller (LRZ)|
 |Registration:|Via the LRZ registration form (choose course HPPP1W10)  |

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 Matthias Brehm

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