21st VI-HPS Tuning Workshop at LRZ, Germany

Karmakar, Anupam Anupam.Karmakar at lrz.de
Mo Jan 11 16:04:30 CET 2016

Dear SuperMUC users,

We would like to bring your attention to the 21st VI-HPS Tuning Workshop scheduled at LRZ on 18th –22nd April 2016.

This workshop organised by VI-HPS for the German PRACE Advanced Training Centre (PATC) hosted by LRZ will:

  *   give an overview of the VI-HPS programming tools suite,
  *   explain the functionality of individual tools, and how to use them effectively,
  *   offer hands-on experience and expert assistance using the tools.

There will be presentations and hands-on sessions on the following topics:

  *   Score-P instrumentation and measurement
  *   Scalasca automated trace analysis
  *   Vampir interactive trace analysis
  *   Periscope/PTF automated performance analysis and optimisation
  *   Extra-P automated performance modelling
  *   Paraver/Extrae/Dimemas trace analysis and performance prediction
  *   [k]cachegrind cache utilisation analysis
  *   MAQAO performance analysis & optimisation
  *   MUST runtime error detection for MPI
  *   ARCHER runtime error detection for OpenMP
  *   MAP+PR profiling and performance reports

Further details on the workshop content and the registration process are available at:


We are looking forward for your interests and active participations in this workshop.

We would appreciate if you could pass this workshop announcement to other interested colleagues.

Best regards,
Anupam Karmakar & Volker Weinberg (LRZ)
Brian Wylie (FZJ/JSC)


Dr. Anupam Karmakar                | E-mail: karmakar at lrz.de<mailto:karmakar at lrz.de>

PICS Astro Lab                     |

APP, High Performance Systems      | URL: http://www.lrz.de/english<http://w>/

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre      |

Boltzmannstr. 1                    | Phone: +49 89 35831 8861

85748 Garching near Munich         |

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