Course Announcement: Finite Element Software Elmer

Weinberg, Volker Volker.Weinberg at
Fr Nov 11 14:56:20 CET 2016

Dear HPC users of LRZ,

Let me once more invite you to our two-day course on the finite element software package Elmer on Monday, November 28 and Tuesday, November 29 at LRZ in Garching b. München, Germany. Elmer is an open-source finite element tool for multi-physics problems, well-suited for parallel computing. It includes physical models of fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, electromagnetics, heat transfer and acoustics, among others, and is widely used in many fields of science and engineering. Applications include, but are not limited to:

- Ice Sheet modelling
- Crystal growth and phase change
- Lubrication and squeezed films
- Pulling, drawing and extrusion
- Electrochemistry
- Wood Modeling

The course is intended for persons with none or some prior knowledge of Elmer, but some background on the solution of partial differential equations. The course will cover the use of Elmer through its graphical user interface, ElmerGUI. Also command-line operation of Elmer will be explained. The course will also include the basics of parallel computing and writing user subroutines with Elmer. After the course, the participants should be able to solve basic modeling problems themselves, modify them manually, and have basic knowledge on the general features of the Elmer software.

There are still have a few places available, registration deadline is November 15th. 

For details and registration see

Kind regards,
Jens Weismüller

Dr. Jens Weismüller
Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)
Environmental Computing, Distributed Resources Group
Boltzmannstrasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
Phone: +49 89 35831 7862

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