[LMU-OSC News] ReproducibiliTea - Session 8

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Thu Jul 14 14:55:43 CEST 2022

Hello all,

we would like to invite you to the eighth meeting of our Journal Club “ReproducibiliTea” which will take place on the 22nd of July (2:30pm). As announced at the end of the previous session, Maximilian Frank from the Open Science Working Group of the Psychologie-Fachschaften-Konferenz (PsyFaKo; German psychology student representation) will be our guest this time. In his introduction he will present us the topic of this session: "Open Science knowledge and prevalence of QRPs among students - a call to update our curricula ". As the previous session, the meeting is organized as a hybrid-event, so you can choose to attend in person (Room 3322 at Leopoldstraße 13) or to join online (see link below). The paper for this session is only available in German (only abstract is available in English), but it is not necessary to read through it to actively participate in the discussion. In any case, we recommend reading the English version of the position paper of the Open Science Working Group of the PsyFaKo on "Replication Crisis and Open Science in Psychology". It also gives you a first insight into the topic of the meeting.

When? Friday, 22nd of July 2022, 2:30pm-4:00pm
Where? Room 3322 at Leopoldstraße 13, 80802 Munich or via Zoom: Meeting ID: 917 8852 1090 / Password: Replicate (https://lmu-munich.zoom.us/j/91788521090?pwd=QmJPeEZLcGtYeGlmeGFnazVoUVFzQT09)
Paper (German/ Abstract in English): Brachem, J., Frank, M., Kvetnaya, T., Schramm, L. F. F. & Volz, L.(2022). Replikationskrise, p-hacking und Open Science. Eine Umfrage zu fragwürdigen Forschungspraktiken in studentischen Projekten und Impulse für die Lehre. Psychologische Rundschau,73,1–17. https://doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000562
Position Paper (English): Position paper of the Open Science Working Group of the Psychologie-Fachschaften-Konferenz (PsyFaKo) on the topic "Replication Crisis and Open Science in Psychology". https://psyfako.org/wp-content/uploads/31-PsyFaKo-PP-Open-Science-Replikationskrise-und-Open-Science-in-der-Psychologie-Englische-Uebersetzung.pdf
Procedure: Maximilian Frank, one of the paper’s and the position paper's authors, will start with a short introduction (roughly 20-30 min). We will then continue with an open discussion in which you can contribute your own thoughts and questions.

It would be helpful to have read at least one of the announced papers, but there is no obligation to do so. We prepared the following key questions to guide you through the discussion and also provide some guidance while reading the papers. For each question, you can think about the suggestions from the papers, but also bring in your own ideas:

1. How prevalent are the different QRPs among students and what are the reasons for these prevalence rates?
2. What further changes are needed in the curricula (of your discipline) in order to meet the demands for transparency and/or address the problems related to the replication crisis (in social sciences) adequately in the education of students?
3. What is the best way to implement changes in curricula on a broad scale? What can and should be done at local level and what role do structural/political changes play?

Below, you can find a short abstract for the introductory presentation by our guest: Maximilian Frank (Open Science Working Group of the Psychologie-Fachschaften-Konferenz (PsyFaKo)).

As a reminder: After the meeting just announced, the last meeting of this semester will then take place on the 29th of July (2:30pm) via Zoom when Prof. Chris Donkin will held the introductory presentation about "Better theory development as a response to the prevalence of QRPs". Please find the complete and updated semester programme attached.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and/or remarks.

Your organisation team
Laura Goetz, Stephan Nuding, Leonhard Schramm

Open Science knowledge and prevalence of QRPs among students - a call to update our curricula

In recent years, there has been an intensive debate within psychology about the conclusions that should be drawn from the replication crisis. The use of questionable research practices (QRPs) was identified as one reason for problems concerning replicability. While there are extensive studies on the prevalence of QRPs among scientists, little is known about their occurrence among students. In his introduction, Maximilian Frank presents the results of the first large-scale survey amongst psychology students conducted by the Open Science Working Group of the PsyFaKo. In this study, 1,397 psychology students in the German-speaking countries were surveyed to investigate the occurrence of QRPs in student projects and to assess the current state of academic teaching regarding the replication crisis and open science practices. Based on these findings we will discuss impulses for the development of teaching and have a look in the related positions papers of the PsyFaKo. The principles of openness, transparency, and collaboration need to play an important role in the academic teaching and are part of a generational change in the academic education of students.

About the speaker

Maximilian Frank studied psychology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and graduated in the interdisciplinary master's program Human Factors in Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. Since 2022 he is a doctoral candidate in the DFG priority program “META-REP” and conducts research on heterogeneity estimations in meta-analyses. As coordinator of the Open Science Working Group of the Psychologie-Fachschaften-Konferenz (PsyFaKo) he is committed to open research practices and their communication in academic teaching.
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