[LMU-OSC News] Newsletter October 2022

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Tue Oct 25 08:31:58 CEST 2022


1. OSC news

Please let us know your interests and wishes!

We ask our members to tell us a bit about the kind of programming and format of engagement they would find useful to inform programming and activities for the upcoming year. Please do so before November 14, it will take you only 5 minutes.
Go to the survey: https://tellmi.psy.lmu.de/formr/OSC-onboarding

Join the LMU chat - OSC messaging software to interact with others!

You are invited to join the Open Science Team chat on LMU chat (if you don't already use it with your team, you'll need to activate your account in your portal, by logging in with your SSO and visit: https://www.portal.uni-muenchen.de/benutzerkonto/#!/rocket-chat). You can choose to download the app (Rocket Chat, open source equivalent to Slack) for easier use.


You can then join the Open Science Center team by following this link: https://chat.portal.lmu.de/invite/jiJdrs. There are two channels in this team, which you can join by clicking the hashtag symbol (#) on the top right of the window. One is called #OSC-welcome-and-introduction: please introduce yourself there! The other one is called #OSC-community-questions-and-announcements: you will be able to use this in the future to request help with your open science questions or post announcements of open science related events or opportunities.

The LMU Open Science Center joined the German Reproducibility Network!

The German Reproducibility Network (GRN) was established in 2021 to work with stakeholders across the sector (institutions, grassroots initiative promoting open research practices, etc.) and ensure coordination of efforts at the national level. The LMU OSC is looking forward to collaborating, and keep leading the way in this shift toward openness. Read our press release<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/news/osc_grn/index.html>.


Felix Schönbrodt receives DGPs Sponsorship Prize for Quality Assurance in Psychology

On September 12, Felix Schönbrodt, managing director of the OSC, received the Promotion Prize for Quality Assurance in Psychology. He has been working for many years to anchor the topic of Open Science in research and teaching and in the training of young scientists. Congratulations! Read the article.<https://www.dgps.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/details/felix-schoenbrodt-erhaelt-den-dgps-foerderpreis-fuer-qualitaetssicherung-in-der-psychologie/>

Interview with Bernd Bischl

How economists can learn Machine-Learning-methods through play<https://open-science-future.zbw.eu/als-wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin-spielerisch-machine-learning-methoden-lernen/>
Prof. Dr. Bernd Bischl, one of our members, was interviewed by Dr. Doreen Siegfried from the Leibniz Information Center for Economics. He talked about Open Science, Research Software and the Machine-Learning-platform OpenML.

Did you miss one of our events? Here you can find the materials of the past events

·       Open Access Workshop (08.06.)
o   slides: https://osf.io/j3mnc
o   recording of a former workshop now available: https://osf.io/tgz76
·       Symposium: "How paper mills publish fake science industrial-style - is there really a problem and how does it work?" (20.06.):
o   recordings and slides: https://osf.io/47utb/
o   an interesting blogpost<http://deevybee.blogspot.com/2022/08/can-systematic-reviews-help-clean-up.html> about the event written by Prof. Dorothy Bishop, one of the guest presenter
·       3-day crash-course in Open Science (27.-29.09.): This course gave a guide to early career researchers towards an open, transparent, and reproducible research workflow
o   recordings and slides for the lectures and workshops: https://osf.io/bvf3c/
·       Advanced Power Analyses Workshop (14.10.): Find out how to determine the size of the expected effect and how power analysis is possible in more complex designs
o   slides: https://osf.io/tcwyb

2. Future event

We are pleased to welcome PD Dr. Ulf Tölch from the QUEST center for Responsible Research of the Berlin Institute of Health, Charité Berlin:

17. November 2022, 16:00-17:00: Meta Research and the QUEST for responsible research

Meta-research, or the science of science, allegedly improves your research. But how can you leverage this to identify and fix common problems in your own research? How can you engage in your own meta research? And will this be beneficial for your career? I will give an overview of current developments in the field and how these connect to your recent research endeavors.

This event will be hybrid and take place at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, room M-001, Munich and via Zoom

Registration page<https://en.xing-events.com/RGNEAAB.html>

For a list of our upcoming workshops, visit our event page<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/events/index.html>.

3. Publications from our members

In this section we feature selected papers from our members relating to open research.

·       Our members Katrin Auspurg and Josef Brüderl contributed a chapter in the Handbook of Sociological Science, which was published in June. The chapter is dedicated to the question "How to increase reproducibility and credibility of sociological research"...
·       A team led by Johan Duchêne, one of our members, has refuted a 2016 study on localization of immune receptor ACKR1. They found that commercial antibodies weren't in fact specific to the molecules they are meant to target...

Note: If you have a new publication about open research and related topics, send a note to franka.etzel at campus.lmu.de<mailto:franka.etzel at campus.lmu.de>, and we will be happy to feature it in our next newsletter.

4. Around the world

·       Breakthroughs for All: Delivering Equitable Access to America's Research<https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/08/25/breakthroughs-for-alldelivering-equitable-access-to-americas-research/>
August 25, 2022: The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released new policy guidance to ensure more equitable access to federally funded research.
·       European coalition publishes the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment<https://eua.eu/downloads/news/2022_07_19_rra_agreement_final.pdf> July 20, 2022: The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment, supported by Science Europe, the European University Association (EUA) and the European Commission, invites signatories to this Agreement promoting the recognition of diverse outputs, practices and activities that maximize the quality and impact of research.

·       DFG to adopt a new Package of Measures to Support a Shift in the Culture of Research Assessment<https://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/announcements_proposals/2022/info_wissenschaft_22_61/index.html>
September 1, 2022: The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) changes proposal forms and introduces a mandatory CV template. The template allows applicants to provide both narrative and tabular information, thereby facilitating a holistic view of the applicant's academic career in the review and evaluation process.The aim is to support a shift in the culture of research assessment and improve equal opportunity practices.
·       University of Mannheim joins German Reproducibility Network (GRN)<https://www.uni-mannheim.de/en/newsroom/media-relations/press-releases/2022/august/university-of-mannheim-joins-german-reproducibility-network-grn/>
In July 2022, the University of Mannheim became a member of the German Reproducibility Network (GRN), a multidisciplinary consortium advocating for more transparency in research. The University of Mannheim is the first university to join this network.
·       CERN publishes comprehensive open science policy<https://home.cern/news/news/knowledge-sharing/cern-publishes-comprehensive-open-science-policy>
In September 2022, CERN approved a new policy for open science at the Organization, with immediate effect. The policy aims to make all CERN research fully accessible, inclusive, democratic and transparent, for both other researchers and wider society.

5. Welcome to our new members!

As the number of our members keeps growing, we decided to redesign our webpage for the individual OSC members in order to have a better overview and the possibility to conduct an easier search based on discipline. Have a look: https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/index.html

The Open Science Center now counts 78 individual members. We are happy to introduce our latest members to you!


Dr. Matthias Aßenmacher<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/lmu-members/assenmacher/index.html>

Statistical Learning and Data Science


Dr. Johan Duchene<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/lmu-members/duchene/index.html>

Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention (IPEK)


Dr. Reka Kugyelka<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/lmu-members/kugyelka/index.html>

LMU Klinikum, Department for Thoracic Surgery


Dr. Luisa F. Jiménez-Soto<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/lmu-members/jimenez-soto/index.html>

Walther-Straub Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Marko Sarstedt<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/lmu-members/sarstedt1/index.html>

Institute for Marketing


Dr. Ramona Schödel<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/lmu-members/schoedel/index.html>

Psychological Methodology and Diagnostics


Prof. Dr. Alexander Wuttke<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/lmu-members/wuttke/index.html>

Digitalization and Political Behavior

Welcome to our new OSC Fellows!

In order to acknowledge and recognize the voluntary work of early career researchers in leading grassroots initiative, we created a new group of members amongst which we will share further leadership development opportunities: "OSC Fellows". Thanks for your contributions and welcome!


Giacomo De Nicola<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/fellows/de_nicola/index.html>

Applied Statistics in Social Sciences, Economics and Business

Co-organizer of Open Science Initiative in Statistics (OSIS)


Laura Goetz<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/fellows/goetz/index.html>

Medicine and Psychology

Co-organizer of Reproducibilitea Journal Club


Felix Henninger<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/fellows/henninger/index.html>

Chair for Statistics and Data Science in the Social Sciences and the Humanities

Co-organizer of Open Science Initiative in Statistics (OSIS)


Christina Nießl<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/fellows/niessl/index.html>

Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology

Co-organizer of Open Science Initiative in Medicine (OSIM)


Stephan Nuding<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/fellows/nuding/index.html>

Social Psychology

Co-organizer of Reproducibilitea Journal Club


Leonhard Schramm<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/fellows/schramm/index.html>

Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience

Co-organizer of Reproducibilitea Journal Club


Lisa Wimmer<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/fellows/wimmer/index.html>

Statistical Learning and Data Science

Co-organizer of Open Science Initiative in Statistics (OSIS)

6. Stay in touch!

Visit our website at: www.osc.lmu.de<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/index.html> and follow us on Twitter at: @lmu_osc<https://twitter.com/lmu_osc>

Were you forwarded this email by a colleague? Make sure you never miss a OSC newsletter by subscribing! Sign up here<https://lists.lrz.de/mailman/listinfo/lmu-osc>.

Do you have any suggestions or contributions for the next newsletter? Or perhaps you'd like to publish your news on our website, or request a tweet/re-tweet from our account? Email us at franka.etzel at campus.lmu.de<mailto:Franka.etzel at campus.lmu.de>

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