[LMU-OSC News] Dinner + ReproducibiliTea session on preregistration

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Mon Jan 16 09:24:52 CET 2023

Hello all,
Happy New Year!

Please register and join us for dinner and/or a reproducibiliTea session on preregistration with our guest Aaron Peikert (MPI for Human Development).

ReproducibiliTea session
When? Friday, 27th of January 2023, 2:30pm-4:00pm
Where? Hybrid: Room 3322 at Leopoldstraße 13, 80802 Munich or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 917 8852 1090 / Password: Replicate
Discussion topic: The Ideal of Preregistration and what warrants it
Paper Presented (Draft): Peikert, A., & Brandmaier, A. M.(2023). Why does preregistration increase the persuasiveness of evidence? A Bayesian rationalization. https://aaronpeikert.github.io/bayes-prereg/manuscript.pdf

Abstract: The replication crisis spurned many researchers to preregister their analyses before acquiring data. However, there is no agreement on what preregistration should accomplish and why it is uniquely suited to these goals. A widespread view is that preregistration should limit how much the data may influence the hypotheses tested on the same data (i.e., restrict researchers' degrees of freedom)). If no such influence occurs, an analysis is generally considered confirmatory. Consequently, many researchers believe that only confirmatory studies benefit from preregistration.

In this presentation, Aaron Peikert argues that limiting preregistration to confirmatory research is unnecessarily restrictive. To that end, he will suggest how to formalize the objective of preregistration and aim to demonstrate that exploratory studies also benefit from the practice. Lastly, implications for the practice of preregistration will be discussed.
More information: https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/news/journal_club_s13/index.html

  *   Registration: https://en.xing-events.com/DNOTWLL.html

When: 26.01. at 18:30
Where: HeimWerkSchwabing, Friedrichstraße 27

  *   Please register before Friday 20.01. noon, if you want to attend (at own cost): https://forms.gle/XAGp1kmg8guc6SAa8

Please feel free to circulate.
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
Your organisation team of the ReproducibiliTea Munich
Laura Goetz, Stephan Nuding, Leonhard Schramm, Franka Etzel, Viktoria Wiegelmann, Gracia Pruem, Alp Kaan Aksu. Finia Loeb
Subscribe to the reproducibiliTea mailing list at : https://lists.lrz.de/mailman/listinfo/reproducibilitea to receive all session announcements, including those without guest 😉
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