[LMU-OSC News] Newsletter July 2023

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Fri Jul 21 09:30:19 CEST 2023


1. News from the Open Science Center

Election of the new scientific board (2023-2025)

It is our pleasure to present the members who will serve on the OSC Board for the next two years:

  *   Prof Niels Dingemanse (Evolutionary Biology)
  *   Dr Sabine Hoffmann (Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology)
  *   Prof Ralf Ludwig (Geography)
  *   Prof Nikolaus Plesnila (Neuroscience)
  *   Prof Alexander Wuttke (Politics)

We are deeply grateful to Prof Katrin Auspurg and Prof Ralf Elsas who stepped down after serving on the board since 2017.

Katrin was the OSC speaker for two terms and the co-speaker for an additional term. Under her term as speaker, the OSC grew from an informal startup to a center and we managed to acquire the Pioneer Fund from the Excellence initiative that is currently funding our coordinator position. Thank you, Katrin, for your continuous and long-time contributions!

Open Science Summer School 11.-15.09.2023

We received 95 applications and selected 40 to attend our Summer School in September. It is no longer possible to apply to attend the workshops. Thank you for your interest!

It is still possible to register to attend the public lectures online<https://www.pretix.osc.lmu.de/lmu-osc/lectures/>. Check out our exciting line-up<https://malikaihle.github.io/OSC-Open-Research-Summer-School-2023/Programme.html> and don't miss the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about various open science topics!

The Faculty of Business Administration and the Faculty of Biology are new funding members

We are delighted to welcome the Faculty of Biology and the Faculty of Business Administration as our new institutional funding members in addition to the Department of Psychology. We value their support immensely.

Members from these units will be given priority in our events with limited seats and our consultation services.

Grant proposal submissions

We have recently applied to the following three grants:

We applied for 500K from the Volkswagen Foundation 'Pioneer Projects - Impulse in the German Research System'  to cover two positions for 2024-2026. We will receive an answer in December.

We proposed two grassroots programmes: a "switch-to-open" programme, where an open research consultant would help individual research groups transition as teams from closed to an optimised open workflow; and a "train-the-trainer" programme, which would empower participants to become instructors of open research practices within their disciplines.


We also applied for 150K from Freiraum 2023 to cover the coordinator's position for 2025. We will get an answer in October.

This fund would be used to create a collection of training material (e.g., self-paced tutorials on computing skills) that can be facilitated synchronously or followed asynchronously, and whose content can be improved by the community through 'pull requests'.

We also applied with a similar project to the LMU Zentrale Studienzuschüsse 2023.

Please keep your fingers crossed for us!


Carpentries Membership to start in November

The Carpentries<https://carpentries.org/> is a programm focusing on teaching foundational coding and data science skills to reasearchers. With funding and coordination from the MCML,<https://mcml.ai/> the OSC is establishing a membership with the Carpentries in order to train 15 instructors, and organise, subsequently, many workshops.

Keep an eye out for our application call in November to become a certified instructor!


CERN-NASA Open Science Summit 10.-14.07.2023

Our coordinator Malika was invited to attend a one week summit to discuss amongst worldwide policy makers and other stakeholders to define possible open science policy and strategic implementation plans at national and institutional levels. The co-creation of resources and the establishement of a strong network during this event will certainly prove useful to coordinate efforts!


Did you miss one of our events? Here you can find the materials of our past symposia:

  *   Symposium: "Reforming Research Assessment: how to implement responsible procedures and move beyond impact factors and h-index?" (13.03.2023):

  *   recordings and slides: https://osf.io/eqkjz/

  *   Symposium: "Open Humanities: Anwendungen und Grenzen offener Wissenschaftspraktiken in den Geisteswissenschaften" (04.07.2023):

  *   slides: https://osf.io/47utb/

2. News from around the world


  *   G7 Science and Technology Ministers' Communique promotes open science and FAIR criteria<https://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/kokusaiteki/g7_2023/230513_g7_communique.pdf> May 2023: The G7 science and technology ministers affirm their commitment to expand open science by promoting equitable dissemination of scientific knowledge and publicly funded research outputs, following FAIR principles. This facilitates global access, fosters innovation, and contributes to the creation of new knowledge and solutions for global challenges, while enhancing research reproducibility and trustworthiness.



  *   The European commission supports the DORA and the Agreement for Research Assessment Reform <https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/news/all-research-and-innovation-news/commission-signs-agreement-reforming-research-assessment-and-endorses-san-francisco-declaration-2022-11-08_en> November 2022: The European Commission signs the Agreement for Research Assessment Reform and endorses the recommendations from the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)


  *   The European commission promotes Open Access<https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/05/23/council-calls-for-transparent-equitable-and-open-access-to-scholarly-publications/> May 2023: The Council calls for transparent, equitable, and open access to scholarly publications, particularly those funded by the public, emphasizing the importance of making research findings available and reusable to benefit all.



  *   Federal and State Guideline promotes Open Access<https://www.bmbf.de/SharedDocs/Publikationen/de/bmbf/1/772960_Open_Access_in_Deutschland> June 2023: The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has issued a federal and state guideline promoting open access as a standard for scientific publications. The guideline emphasizes scholar-led and science-owned publishing platforms and highlights the importance of advancements in research asessment methods, citing the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) as a notable example.


  *   Adoption of the Open Science Policy by the Helmholtz Assembly of Members<https://www.google.com/url?q=https://os.helmholtz.de/en/newsroom/news/article/helmholtz-anchors-open-science/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1689332459008823&usg=AOvVaw0hVgS4XErCqqkYiZ4ohV9T> October 2022: The Helmholtz Assembly embraced an Open Science Policy which mandates the open publication of scholarly publications, research data, and research software.



  *   A Horizon Europe Doctoral Network for sharing and re-using clinical trial data to maximise impact<https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02080-y> July 2023: this HORIZON Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network SHARE-CTD programme is coordinated by OSC member Prof Ulrich Mansmann. Across all partner organisations, 11 PhD students will start in Autumn 2024.


3. Welcome to our new members!

The Open Science Center now counts 91 individual members. Please consult the list of all our members<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/members/individual_members/index.html> to find potential collaborators!

 We are happy to introduce our latest members to you:


Dr. Marlene Altenmüller



Prof. Dr. Niels Dingemanse

Professor of Behavioral Ecology, Faculty of Biology


Dr. Moritz Hermann

Munich Center for Machine Learning & Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology


Dr. Anne Kathrin Kleine

Chair for Social Psychology, Center for Leadership and People Management, Human-AI-Interaction Group


Prof. Dr. Gitta Kutyniok

Bavarian AI Chair for Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty for Mathematics, Informatics, and Statistics


PD Dr. Michael Lauseker

Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology


Dr. Anton Marx

Clinical Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence & Counseling Psychology


Dr. Marcel Neunhoffer

Chair of Statistics and Data Science in Social Sciences and the Humanities (SODA); Department of Computer Science (Boston University)


Dr. Adam Sorbie

Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research


Dr. Tom Ratz

Alexander von Humboldt Fellow in Evolutionary Ecology


Dr. Elisabeth Vogl



Ph.D. Juliane Wilcke

Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry, and Epidemiology


Dr. Christian Woll



Dr. Quirin Würschinger

Computational linguistics

Welcome to our new OSC Fellows!

Additionally the count of the "OSC Fellows" continues to rise. We aim to acknowledge and value their voluntary work in leading grassroots initiatives as early career researchers. We will continue to share further leadership development opportunities with them. Thanks for your contributions and welcome!


Alp Kaan Aksu


Co-organizer of Reproducibilitea Journal Club


Franka Etzel


Co-organizer of Reproducibilitea Journal Club


Maximilian Frank


German Reproducibility Network steering group member


Markus Herklotz

Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics

Training and education coordinator of the Business, Economics and Related Data in the National Research Data Infrastructure BERD at NFDI


Maximilian Mandl


Part of the Open Science Intitiative in Medicine


Gracia Prüm


Co-organizer of Reproducibilitea Journal Club


Viktoria Wiegelmann


Co-organizer of Reproducibilitea Journal Club

4. Stay in touch!

Visit our website at: www.osc.lmu.de<https://www.osc.uni-muenchen.de/index.html> and don't miss any upcoming events by following us on LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/lmu-open-science-center/>, Mastodon<https://mastodon.social/@lmu_osc@scicomm.xyz> and Twitter<https://twitter.com/lmu_osc>.

By  joining the LMU Open Science chat <https://chat.portal.lmu.de/invite/jiJdrs> on LMU Rocket Chat<https://www.lmu.de/de/die-lmu/struktur/zentrale-universitaetsverwaltung/informations-und-kommunikationstechnik-dezernat-vi/it-servicedesk/angebote-des-it-servicedesks/lmu-chat/index.html> you'll have the opportunity to interact with other researchers and members of the OSC.

Do you have any suggestions or contributions for the next newsletter? Or perhaps you'd like to publish your news on our website, or request a tweet/re-tweet from our account? Email us at malika.ihle at lmu.de.<mailto:malika.ihle at lmu.de>

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