[LMU-OSC News] Peer Community in Registered Reports

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Tue May 2 11:49:47 CEST 2023

Dear Registered Reports enthusiasts,

The Peer Community in Registered Reports<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/about/about> (PCI RR) is reaching out to see if members of our community might be interested in becoming a recommender (editor) at PCI RR, which was launched in 2021 by Chris Chambers<https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/people/view/133632-chambers-chris>, Zoltan Dienes<http://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/home/Zoltan_Dienes/>, Corina Logan<https://www.eva.mpg.de/ecology/staff/corina-logan/>, Emily Sena<https://www.ed.ac.uk/profile/dr-emily-sena>, and Benoit Pujol<http://www.criobe.pf/pro/personnel/chercheurs-et-enseignants-chercheurs/benoit-pujol/>. Please find their invitation below:

Peer Community in Registered Reports<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/about/about> (PCI RR) is taking Registered Reports (RRs) to the next level<https://twitter.com/PCI_RegReports/status/1384076205796728839>. We are a free, non-profit, non-commercial, supra-journal platform that reviews & recommends <https://twitter.com/RegReports> RR preprints across all research fields. RRs are a form of empirical article in which study proposals are peer reviewed and pre-accepted before research is undertaken, in addition to a post-study peer review. By deciding which articles are published based on the question and proposed methods, RRs offer a remedy for a range of research biases, including publication bias and reporting bias. Once submissions are accepted (or, in PCI terms, "recommended") following peer review, the revised manuscript is posted at the preprint server where the preprint is hosted, and the peer reviews and recommendation of the preprint are posted at the PCI RR website. Authors then have the option to also publish the preprint in a traditional journal.

So far, PCI RR has implemented 7 innovations<https://spore.social/@pcirr/109720811781462323> in academic publishing...
1) one centralized review process that opens the gateway to a growing list of PCI RR-friendly journals<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/about/pci_rr_friendly_journals> that will automatically accept PCI RR recommended articles without further peer review
2) a scheduled review<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/help/guide_for_authors#h_61998243643551613309672490> track speeds up the review process
3) authors can choose whether reviewers must sign their reviews
4) programmatic RRs<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/help/guide_for_authors#h_52492857233251613309610581> accommodate large and long term research programs: 1 RR = more than 1 final article
5) explicitly stating your level of bias<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/help/guide_for_authors#h_95790490510491613309490336> every step of the way allows one to use RRs for studies where data already exist
6) PCI RR recommenders<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/about/recommenders> (editors) are trained in how to edit RRs and have to pass a test<https://twitter.com/PCI_RegReports/status/1389173232725643266> before handling manuscripts. This helps standardize the quality of the review and decision process
7) authors can choose to exclude any recommender from being invited to handle their manuscript

RRs for everyone...
Our  aim is to make RRs accessible to all areas of research. We do this through making the RR process more flexible via points 2, 4, and 5 above, and also researchers can indicate their non-negotiable data collection start date (because these are often inflexible, therefore if the pre-study peer review is not complete by then, the research may still be able to begin), and by giving authors the opportunity to estimate the power of their results in a variety of easy-to-implement ways for those who conduct hypothesis testing.

The business model...
PCI RR is free for readers and authors, it is funded by donations from universities/institutes/societies/grants, and it costs almost nothing (~500 EUR/yr/PCI for web development and hosting; see blog post<https://peercommunityin.org/2019/05/29/pci-economic-model/> for details). This shows that we researchers can produce and peer review our own articles (which we already do for journals and publishers) and stop wasting billions of Euros per year globally on subscriptions to journals and on open access charges that mostly line the shareholder pockets of these usually publicly traded publishers.

Our question for you is...
Would you like to be a Recommender at PCI Registered Reports? We generally select people who are post PhD, conduct independent research, and have at least a handful of first author articles (to ensure people have some experience with the publishing process). There is a nice write up and video about how and why to become a PCI Recommender here<https://youtu.be/2BDrPoHGkn0>, and we posted a thread<https://spore.social/@pcirr/109720811781462323> on the benefits to researchers for becoming Recommenders. You can learn more about PCI RR at our website<https://rr.peercommunityin.org/about/about> and on Mastodon (@pcirr at spore.social<https://twitter.com/PCI_RegReports>). FYI there is no minimum time commitment that we expect from our recommenders. When submitting, authors suggest recommenders, who then receive automated invitations. Recommenders can choose to accept, decline, or ignore invitations depending on their schedule.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at contact at rr.peercommunityin.org<mailto:contact at rr.peercommunityin.org> if you are interested in becoming a recommender or if you have any questions!

Best wishes

Dr. Malika Ihle (she/her) (pronounciation<https://namedrop.io/malikaihle>)
LMU Open Science Center Coordinator
@MalikaIhle<https://twitter.com/MalikaIhle> | @MalikaIhle at scicomm.xyz<https://scicomm.xyz/web/@MalikaIhle>

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