[LMU-OSC News] StatTag and StatWrap for Conducting Collaborative Reproducible Research, Sep 28, 10.15-11.15am CEST (Online)

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Fri Sep 22 11:04:02 CEST 2023

An interesting online event from BERD at NFDI and the LMU department of statistics:

StatTag and StatWrap for Conducting Collaborative Reproducible Research
Thursday, September 28, 10.15 am - 11.15 am CEST

Practicing reproducible research is important, but increasingly complex as studies involve more data and statistical code, and larger teams. Adopting reproducible research workflows can be especially daunting for research teams with a diverse set of needs, skills, and expectations for software tools. Teams may struggle to communicate and keep track of information such as: Who worked on the analyses, when, and what decisions did they make? Where is the most recent data? What are the code file dependencies and code libraries?

Software may help you to overcome those challenges. In this talk by Leah J Welty (Northwestern University), you will get to know the two free, open-source software programs StatTag and StatWrap. Both grew out of the challenges of conducting collaborative research.

StatTag addresses a need to integrate document preparation in Microsoft Word with statistical code and results from R, Stata, SAS, or Python. StatWrap is an assistive, non-invasive discovery and inventory tool to document the evolution of project, combining automatically collected metadata (e.g., statistical packages, code file dependencies), investigator-supplied documentation (e.g., analysis notes, personnel), and source control.

This event takes place on Thursday, September 28 at 10.15am - 11.15am as part of the colloquium of the Department of Statistics of the LMU Munich. We invite everyone interested to register for joining the colloquium online. Please register here: https://www.berd-nfdi.de/berd-academy/stattag-statwrap-2023/

Dr. Malika Ihle (she/her) (pronounciation<https://namedrop.io/malikaihle>)
LMU Open Science Center Coordinator
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