Talk by Alexander Afriat at MCMP (Thu. 30. May)

Dardashti, Radin Radin.Dardashti at
Fri May 24 15:10:41 CEST 2013

Speaker: Alexander Afriat (Brest)
Wednesday 30th May 2013
Ludwigstr.31 Room E021
Time: 6 to 8 pm

Title: Weyl’s gauge argument

The standard U(1) “gauge principle” or “gauge argument” produces an 
exact potential A = dλ and a vanishing field F = ddλ = 0. Weyl has his 
own gauge argument, which is sketchy, archaic and hard to follow; but at 
least it produces an inexact potential A and a nonvanishing field F = dA 
≠ 0. I attempt a reconstruction.


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