possible pre-field-theories-workshop lecture on tangent-bundle geometry

Erik Curiel erik at strangebeautiful.com
Mon Dec 8 16:46:08 CET 2014

If people are interested, I would be happy to give a 1-2 hour exposition 
on Saturday afternoon, the day before the "Irvine-Munich Workshop on the 
Foundations of Classical and Quantum Field Theories", covering the 
basics of the geometry of tangent bundles.  I offer this for both 
selfish and altruistic reasons.  Selfishly, the more knowledgeable the 
audience is about this stuff, the less time I will have to spend in my 
actual talk on Sunday reviewing it.  Altruistically, it is a beautiful 
field of geometry that is woefully unknown among philosophers, 
physicists and mathematicians in general, especially shameful in light 
of the fact that it is the basis for Lagrangian mechanics, and I feel it 
is my duty to spread the Good Word.

So:  if you're interested, please let me know.  If there is a critical 
mass of interested people (say, 4 or more), then I'll do it, and send 
out a general announcement with time and place.


Erik Curiel

Postdoctoral Fellow
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftstheorie
Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft
Ludwigstraße 31
80539 München, Deutschland


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