Talk by Richard Dawid at the MCMP (Wed. 29th)

Dardashti, Radin Radin.Dardashti at
Mon Apr 27 10:53:49 CEST 2015

Speaker: Richard Dawid (MCMP)
Date: Wed., April 29
Location: Ludwigstr. 31, ground floor, room 021
Time: 18:15 -⁠⁠ 19:45

Title: Bayesian Perspectives on the Discovery of the Higgs Particle

The history of the Higgs discovery is characterized by a specific 
constellation: trust in the existence of a Higgs particle was very 
strong already before the particle's discovery. This raises the issue of 
a Bayesian perspective on data analysis in high energy physics in an 
interesting way that differs from other contexts in the field where the 
deployment of Bayesian strategies was proposed.

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