"Rethinking Foundations of Physics" & "Causal Fermion Systems"

Wolfgang Pietsch wpietsch at gmx.de
Wed Jan 13 21:08:53 CET 2016

Auf Bitte von Johannes Kleiner
[mailto:johannes.kleiner at mathematik.uni-regensburg.de] leite ich gerne
folgende Ankündigung weiter:


- - - 
We would like to let you know about two upcoming events, both of which might
be interesting for you, PhD students of yours or young colleagues of yours:
The workshop “Rethinking Foundations of Physics” and the summer school
“Causal Fermion Systems”. Both take place in March 2016, the deadline for
the first, unfortunately, already ends this week. Information can be found
on the websites
 <http://rethinking-workshop.org/> http://rethinking-workshop.org/ and
<http://cfs-school.uni-regensburg.de/> http://cfs-school.uni-regensburg.de/

We would be very grateful if you could forward this information to
potentially interested PhD students and postdocs.

Best regards,
Johannes Kleiner, Robin Lorenz,
Franz Gmeineder, Jan-Hendrik Treude




Dr. Wolfgang Pietsch

Lehrstuhl für Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie

Munich Center for Technology in Society

Technische Universität München

Arcisstr. 21

D-80333 München, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)89 . 289 – 25366


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