Introduction to SuperMUC - the new Petaflop Supercomputer at LRZ
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Di Jun 26 15:11:31 CEST 2012
Introduction for SuperMUC Users
You can attend the lectures without registration, also only in parts.
Date: July 2-5, 2012 10:00 - 17:00
Location: LRZ Building, University campus Garching, near Munich
(Lecture room H.E.009)
This four-day workshop gives an introduction to the usage of the new
Petaflop class Supercomputer at LRZ, SuperMUC. The first three days of
this are dedicated to presentations by Intel on their software
development stack (compilers, tools and libraries); the remaining day
will be comprised of talks and exercises delivered by IBM and LRZ on
usage of the IBM-specific aspects of the new system (IBM MPI,
LoadLeveler, HPC Toolkit) and recommendations on tuning and optimizing
for the new system.
The following schedule is preliminary and may undergo changes.
Monday schedule:
Introduction to the x86 Westmere and Sandy Bridge Processor
Usage of Intel Compilers: switches, optimization, profiling, OpenMP,
advanced features
Usage of the Intel debugger
Explicit and compiler-directed vectorization with SSE and AVX
Tuesday schedule:
Programming for NUMA
Intel Cilk Plus
Fortran standard support and extensions in Intel Fortran
Intel Inspector XE (correctness checking for memory and threading)
Threading Building Blocks, OpenCL and other parallel programming models
Static Security Analysis
Performance Libraries (MKL, IPP)
VTune Amplifier XE (performance analysis)
Wednesday schedule:
Intel Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) and other performance analysis
Intel Cluster Tools Overview and Usage
Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture
A case study illustrating the use of the Intel toolchain
Thursday schedule:
Using LoadLeveler for batch queuing
IBM's parallel environment
Performance Tools (High Performance Toolkit, Eclipse User Interface)
including a demonstration.
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Ferdinand Jamitzky
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