[Vortragsreihe: Professioneller IT-Betrieb] "The funding uncertainty principle - costing and paying for IT services for international research" am Do. 16.01.

Saverchenko, Ilya Ilya.Saverchenko at lrz.de
Do Jan 16 10:31:30 CET 2014

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

hiermit möchten wir Sie zu folgendem Vortrag am 16.01.2014 im Hörsaal des LRZ einladen:

Titel: The funding uncertainty principle - costing and paying for IT services for international research 
Referent: Matti Heikkurinen
Beginn: 16.01.2014 15:15 Uhr
Dauer: 60 min
Inhalt: In most research disciplines complex cross-border collaborations are becoming
the norm. Research teams are formed across organisational boundaries to
address specific "grand challenges", with ICT services forming the backbone
that make distributed data collection, collaborative analysis and long-term
storage of results possible. However, ensuring the sustainability of the
underlying ICT infrastructure that supports these transient,
cross-disciplinary teams has become more and more acute challenge.
The value production these ICT services enable can be measured only by
analysing the activities of the whole loosely federated organisations, while
the costs are always - in the end - tied to specific organisations. Due to
different local conditions and accounting practices, complex local and global
funding structures, and emergent behaviours in the researcher-ICT service
provider interface, it is very difficult to assess what the actual costs of
specific services are. This holds true even when reducing the analysis to
metrics such as "# cents per core hour".

Nähere Informationen (auch zu den anderen Vorträgen im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe) finden sich unter http://www.lrz.de/services/termine/vr-it-betrieb/wise_13_14

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