Workshop "Recent Advances in Parallel Programming Languages"

Weinberg, Volker Volker.Weinberg at
Do Mai 7 11:10:07 CEST 2015

As the standards of parallel programming languages are getting more and more complex and extensive, it can be hard to stay up to date with recent developments. We have thus invited leading HPC experts to give updates of recent advances in parallel programming languages at the

Workshop "Recent Advances in Parallel Programming Languages" @ LRZ, 8.6.2015, 09:00-16:00

The languages that will be covered during the workshop are MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC and Coarray Fortran. Most of the speakers are members of the standardisation committee of the language they present.


*         Extensions of Coarray Fortran  (Dr. Reinhold Bader, LRZ)

*         Past, Present, and Future of OpenMP (Dr.-Ing. Michael Klemm, Intel)

*         OpenACC (Dr. Michael Neff, Cray)

*         MPI 3.0/3.1 (Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner, HLRS)

More information about the workshop can be found online on the workshop page:

We would like to invite you to participate in this workshop.

Please also pass this workshop announcement to other interested colleagues.

Kind regards,

Volker Weinberg


Dr. Volker Weinberg

Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

- High Performance Computing Group -

email:   weinberg at<mailto:weinberg at>

address: Boltzmannstr. 1 - D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen

room:    E.1.016

phone:   +49 (89) 35831-8863
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