PRACE PATC course: Advanced Fortran Topics
Weinberg, Volker
Volker.Weinberg at
Mo Jul 11 16:23:45 CEST 2016
Dear HPC users,
we are pleased to announce that the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre will offer a 5-day course on "Advanced Fortran Topics" again on Monday, September 12 - Friday, September 16, 2016, 9:00-18:00 at LRZ in Garching b. München, Germany.
This course, partly a PRACE Advanced Training Center (PATC) event, is targeted at scientists who wish to extend their knowledge of Fortran to cover advanced features of the language.
Topics covered include:
- Best Practices
- Object-oriented programming
- IEEE features and floating point exceptions
- Interoperability with C
- Fortran 2003 I/O extensions
- OO Design Patterns: application of object-oriented programming
- Coarrays
The lectures are given by Dr. Reinhold Bader, who participates in the standardisation activities of the Fortran programming language in the international workgroup WG5, and Dr. Gilbert Brietzke.
To consolidate the lecture material, each day's approximately 4 hours of lecture are complemented by 3 hours of hands-on sessions. The last 2 days of the course are a PATC event.
For details and registration see:
Please also pass this course announcement to other interested colleagues.
Information on further HPC courses:
- by LRZ:
- by the Gauss Centre of Supercomputing (GCS):
- by the PRACE Advanced Training Centres (PATCs):
Kind regards,
Volker Weinberg
Dr. Volker Weinberg
PRACE Advanced Training Centre (PATC) Coordinator
Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
email: mailto:weinberg at
address: Boltzmannstr. 1 - D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen
room: E.1.016
phone: +49 (89) 35831-8863
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