Deep learning workshop on Jan 22nd, 2018 at LRZ

Wang, Yu Yu.Wang at
Mi Dez 13 17:55:01 CET 2017

Dear Colleagues,

LRZ and NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute<> (DLI) are excited to announce this one-day practical Deep Learning workshop at LRZ on Jan. 22nd, 2017  exclusively for verifiable students, academic staff, and researchers.

In this full-day workshop, you will learn the basics of deep learning by training and deploying neural networks. Build the skill-set and toolbox you need to build your own deep learning solutions through hands-on projects. Learners will:

  *   Understand general terms and background of deep learning

  *   Implement common deep learning workflows such as Image Classification and Object Detection

  *   Manipulate training parameters to improve accuracy

  *   Modify internal layers of neural networks to adapt to new problems

  *   Deploy your networks to start solving real-world problems

You can register at

The number of participants is limited to 35.

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Dr. Yu Wang
Big Data Scientist

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ)

Boltzmannstrasse 1
85748 Garching
E-Mail:        wang at<mailto:wang at>
Telefon:     +49 89 35831-7828
Room: E.1.012

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