Workshop - Joint ANSYS Technology Day @LRZ

Allalen, Momme Momme.Allalen at
Mi Feb 20 18:05:58 CET 2019

Dear SuperMUC users and project leaders,

There are still places free for the "Workshop - Joint ANSYS Technology Day" @LRZ Wednesday, 27. February 2019.

On the occasion of the new 2019 R1 release of the ANSYS software, the LRZ, Garching and CADFEM GmbH, Grafing, jointly present and organize an ANSYS Technology Day at the LRZ Auditorium Building. The ANSYS Technology Day is aimed to provide all users of the ANSYS software for engineering simulations in structural mechanics (CSM), computational fluid dynamics (CFD using CFX, Fluent, Discovery AIM and Discovery Live), electro-magnetic field computation (HFSS, Maxwell-3d) as well as systems simulation a comprehensive update on a selection of new features and modeling / simulation capabilities of ANSYS latest new software release 2019 R1 (to be published in early February 2019).

For more details see:

Kind regards

cfdlab at<mailto:cfdlab at>
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