neue Stellenausschreibung

Struck, Sarah Sarah.Struck at
Di Mär 10 11:44:57 CET 2020

Hallo zusammen,


bitte beachten Sie u. s. Stellenausschreibung:

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, LRZ) of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities is the IT Service Provider for all Munich universities as well as a growing number of research organisations throughout Bavaria. In addition to this regional focus, LRZ also plays an important role as a member of GCS (Gauss Centre for Supercomputing), delivering top-tier HPC services on the national and European level. We support groundbreaking research and education throughout a wide range of scientific disciplines by offering highly available, secure and energy-efficient services based on cutting-edge IT technology.

For our HPC services, we are offering a position as a

Working student (f/m/d) for HPC User Administration

to participate in the following tasks:

*	Automation of processes for user and project administration
*	Automation and creating of the usage and performance statistics of the HPC systems

Ideally, you have experience and skills in:

*	SQL, MS Access, PHP, Python or other scripting languages
*	Linux
*	Good level of proficiency in English, preferably also some in German

We are interested in a long-term cooperation and offer a working time of about 8 hours per week, which you can handle flexibly and split them in parts.

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Sarah Struck




der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

Boltzmannstraße 1

85748 Garching b. München


Telefon: 089/35831-8716

E-Mail:  <mailto:Sarah.Struck at> Sarah.Struck at


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