[LMU-OSC News] How to build, grow, and sustain open science initiatives, virtual brainstorming event and panel session, November 22-23, 2022

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Fri Nov 18 08:36:55 CET 2022

Forwarded on behalf of the German Reproducibility Network which the LMU Open Science Center is now a part of!

Dear all,
We hope you are well, and please excuse any double-posting of this message.
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming virtual brainstorming event (VBE) on “How to build, grow, and sustain reproducible research or open science initiatives” on November 22-23, 2022. There will also be an optional one-hour welcome session on November 21.  The event is open to all individuals passionate about reproducible research and open science. A live panel session on the same topic will be held during the event on November 23.
Some of the specific topics that we will discuss during the VBE include:
What resources and strategies have you used to start initiatives focusing on reproducibility or open science?
What techniques and creative solutions have you tried to grow and sustain your initiative?  What worked, and what didn’t work?
What challenges or obstacles has your initiative faced? How did you overcome these obstacles?
How can we engage initiative participants, while building connections with those who aren’t involved yet?
What advice would you give to someone who is just starting an initiative? What do you wish you’d known, when you first became involved?

Please sign up to the virtual brainstorming event via this link<https://www.bihealth.org/en/translation/innovation-enabler/quest-center/events/translate-to-englisch-registration-grn-virtual-brainstorming-event-on-november-22-23-2022>. Registration will close when 100 participants have registered, or on November 18.
Please sign up for the panel discussion via this link<https://gfz-potsdam-de.zoom.us/meeting/register/u50rf-ihqj0iH9LPgPTRzTSHPAL1AMfVEQro>. Panelists are actively involved in initiatives that focus on open science, open code, reproducible research, or guidelines and research practices. Find more information on the panelists and the session via this link<https://www.bihealth.org/en/notices/how-to-build-grow-and-sustain-reproducibility-or-open-science-initiatives-panel-session>.
Please feel free to share this e-mail with your networks!
More information on the event format
A virtual brainstorming event (described in more detail here<https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/articles/6-156> and here<https://osf.io/c5gyz/>) is an asynchronous unconference-style group event where participants use an online chat platform (e.g. Slack, Microsoft Teams) to engage in discussions and share their experiences with others of several days. Participants do not need to be online the whole time - we encourage them to check in a few times per day to catch up with the discussion, expand on ideas, and share their thoughts. Participants can also join live discussion in the virtual open space. The discussions in this event will be used to share lessons learned and brainstorm ways to build, grow, and sustain reproducibility or open science initiatives. We may synthesize the discussion and lessons learned through a paper or by posting materials on the German Reproducibility Network website in the months following the event.
Please contact Friederike Kohrs (Friederike-elisabeth.kohrs at charite.de<mailto:Friederike-elisabeth.kohrs at charite.de>) if you have any questions or concerns.
Best wishes, and we hope to see you soon!
The organization team
Tracey Weissgerber - ScreenIT, BIH-QUEST Center @ Charité Berlin, GRN steering group
Verena Heise - Freelance Open Science Researcher, GRN steering group
Felix Schönbrodt - LMU Open Science Center, LMU München, GRN steering group
Friederike E. Kohrs – SPOKES, BIH-QUEST Center @ Charité Berlin
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