[LMU-OSC News] Open Science Community on Mastodon - an easy to use online directory

LMU Open Science Center News lmu-osc at lists.lrz.de
Fri Nov 25 09:34:29 CET 2022

Forwarded on behalf of the German Reproducibility Network

Dear colleagues,

there is currently an intense debate in the scientific community about whether to continue using Twitter. Many scientists use Mastodon as an alternative platform to connect to their colleagues and talk about things that matter to the Open Science movement.

Switching to a new platform always involves certain hurdles and opportunity costs. In order to lower these thresholds and aid the development of the Open Science community, the GRN is maintaining a directory of community members to increase findability on Mastodon. So, If you're wondering how to find your existing contacts on Twitter on the new platform this list is your first stop: https://germanrepro.github.io/Mastodon-OpenScience

The list serves two purposes, on the one hand you can add your own Mastodon account there to be found easier, on the other hand you can import the accounts stored there (all or selected) into your Mastodon account and follow them directly.

A general overview about Mastodon and how it works can be found in the following article:

An overview of different server instances (so-called federations) from the scientific field can be found on the following page:

An interesting analysis, about switching to the new platform, which we would like to recommend, has been written by Andy Tattersall:

Please share this mail with your colleagues and within your networks!

Best regards and see you on the other side, Rima, Guido and Maximilian from the GRN

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