Talk by Johannes Thürigen at MCMP (Jan. 15)

Dardashti, Radin Radin.Dardashti at
Mon Jan 13 12:45:31 CET 2014

Speaker: Johannes Thürigen (Albert Einstein Institute)
Wednesday 15th Jan 2014
Location: Ludwigstr. 31 room 021
Time: 16:15 - 17:45

Title: Theory convergence in approaches to quantum gravity?

Theories in (empirical) science can be considered epistemically 
justified not only according to  empirical content but also 
systematization power and uniformity. In the light of these concepts we 
present an analysis of the basic structure and intertheoretic relations 
of some approaches to quantum gravity each starting from quite different 
assumptions. These are Loop quantum gravity, Spin foams, Causal 
dynamical triangulations, Regge calculus and Group field theory. The aim 
of this analysis is to critically discuss an argument of physicists 
working on quantum gravity, stating that there is some kind of 
convergence of the mentioned approaches which (at least partially) 
justifies them. Such an argument would be of high relevance since 
neither the precise relation to the established theories (and thus the 
phenomena described by those) nor the derivation of original phenomena 
might be achievable in the foreseeable future, leaving uniformity as the 
only epistemological criterion in favor for them.
We find that intertheoretic relations can be found mainly at the level 
of the conceptual framework of the theories, rather than regarding the 
actual dynamical laws. Therefore a weaker notion of theory relation is 
needed. The recent concept of theory crystallization is a good candidate 
and we analyze to what extent the approaches to quantum gravity meet its 

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