Upd:HLRB-II: Running with fewer partitions
LRZ aktuell
publish at lrz.de
Fr Okt 21 14:46:03 CEST 2011
Changes to this message: Update
Dear users of the HLRB-II,
due to a partial system crash, user operation of HLRB-II is presently
reduced to a few partitions. Crashed partitions will not be returned to
user operation if they cannot be rebooted without repairs. (The death
notice originally published here turned out to be premature).
Note that the service node login2.hlrb2.lrz-muenchen.de will remain
available until October 28, and that CXFS and TSM services will enable
you to archive any data still needed to tape.
This information is also available on our web server
Reinhold Bader
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